Go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Artistic > Cutout and choose the settings below: Step 2 Select the Background layer and go to Layer > New > Layer Via Copy to duplicate the Background layer, and then drag that new layer to the top of the layers in the Layers panel. The next step in learning how to make a picture look like a drawing is creating a rough sketch. How to Create a Rough Sketch Effect Step 1 Name this layer Small Draft Sketch and set its opacity to 14%. Pick the Lasso Tool (L), click anywhere inside the canvas, choose Free Transform, and decrease the width and height to 95% as shown below: Step 4 Select the Base Sketch layer and go to Layer > New > Layer Via Copy to duplicate the Base Sketch layer again. Name this layer Large Draft Sketch and set its Opacity to 14%. Pick the Lasso Tool (L), click anywhere inside the canvas, choose Free Transform, and increase the width and height to 105% as shown below: Step 2 Go to Layer > New > Layer Via Copy to duplicate the Base Sketch layer.

Now we are going to create a draft Photoshop sketch filter. How to Create a Draft Sketch Effect Step 1 Name this layer Base Sketch and change its blending mode to Multiply.Ĥ. Press D on your keyboard to reset the swatches and go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Sketch > Photocopy and choose the settings below: Step 2 Now we are going to create the base sketch. Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color to create a new solid color fill layer, name it ' Background Color' and enter the settings below: 3.

You'll just need a stock image of a taxi cab. To learn how to make a picture look like a drawing, you won't need much. How to Create a Sketch Effect Action in Adobe Photoshop