Linux packages can be obtained by downloading the stand-alone AppImage on the release page or by. eats my ssd resources) but ignores confinement options, so nothing’s changing -> wait, wtf is this drive activity? -> iotop + fatrace -f W -> THIS PIECE OF SHIT AUTOUPDATES ON ITS OWN LIKE WIN10!!! -> sudo apt purge snap* -> notepadqq github page -> git clone…. A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++. for 3 billion times -> every time it installs (i.e.

Ubuntu pushed chromium into snap and stopped supporting it in apt repos -> can’t open hidden folders in it anymore -> a bit of googling + trying to reinstall it in classic confinement -> installs just fine -> BUT AFTER INSTALLATION still says that it could give a flying fuck about my flags, options, root privileges or anything else on that matter -> ok fuck it, i’ll use chrome instead -> found out there’s a newer versions of notepadqq on snap -> installed it -> no access to hidden files -> trying to reinstall in different confinements with different commands, option placement etc. Bumped into problems a couple of months ago.